C# と VB.NET の質問掲示板

ASP.NET、C++/CLI、Java 何でもどうぞ

  • キーワードを複数指定する場合は 半角スペース で区切ってください。
  • 検索条件は、(AND)=[A かつ B] (OR)=[A または B] となっています。
  • [返信]をクリックすると返信ページへ移動します。
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検索範囲/ 強調表示/ ON (自動リンクOFF)
結果表示件数/ 記事No検索/ ON

No.11998 の関連記事表示

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■11998  Re[7]: VB.NETでBMPからAVIを作成する方法
□投稿者/ moro -(2007/12/26(Wed) 18:05:21)
    > あなたが書いたVBのソースを載せて、どこが悪いのか指摘を受けたほうが有意義だと思いますよ。
    Imports System
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
    Public Class AviWriter
    	<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=1)> _
    	Private Structure AVISTREAMINFOW
    		Public fccType, fccHandler, dwFlags, dwCaps As UInt32
    		Public wPriority, wLanguage As UInt16
    		Public dwScale, dwRate, dwStart, dwLength, dwInitialFrames, dwSuggestedBufferSize, dwQuality, dwSampleSize, rect_left, rect_top, rect_right, rect_bottom, dwEditCount, dwFormatChangeCount As UInt32
    		Public szName0, szName1, ..... szName63 As UInt16
    	End Structure 'AVISTREAMINFOW
    	<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=1)> _
    		Private Structure AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS
    		Public fccType As UInt32
    		Public fccHandler As UInt32
    		Public dwKeyFrameEvery As UInt32 ' only used with AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES
    		Public dwQuality As UInt32
    		Public dwBytesPerSecond As UInt32 ' only used with AVICOMPRESSF_DATARATE
    		Public dwFlags As UInt32
    		Public lpFormat As IntPtr
    		Public cbFormat As UInt32
    		Public lpParms As IntPtr
    		Public cbParms As UInt32
    		Public dwInterleaveEvery As UInt32
    	<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=1)> _
    	 Public Structure BITMAPINFOHEADER
    		Public biSize As UInt32
    		Public biWidth As Int32
    		Public biHeight As Int32
    		Public biPlanes As Int16
    		Public biBitCount As Int16
    		Public biCompression As UInt32
    		Public biSizeImage As UInt32
    		Public biXPelsPerMeter As Int32
    		Public biYPelsPerMeter As Int32
    		Public biClrUsed As UInt32
    		Public biClrImportant As UInt32
    	End Structure 'BITMAPINFOHEADER
    	Public Class AviException
    		Inherits ApplicationException
    		Public Sub New(ByVal s As String)
    		End Sub 'New
    		Public Sub New(ByVal s As String, ByVal hr As Int32)
    			If hr = AVIERR_BADPARAM Then
    				err_msg = "AVIERR_BADPARAM"
    				err_msg = "unknown"
    			End If
    		End Sub 'New
    		Public Function ErrMsg() As String
    			Return err_msg
    		End Function 'ErrMsg
    		Private AVIERR_BADPARAM As Int32 = -2147205018
    		Private err_msg As String
    	End Class 'AviException
    	Private Const OF_WRITE As Long = &H1
    	Private Const OF_CREATE As Long = &H1000
    	Private Const OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE As Long = &H40
    	Private Const AVIIF_KEYFRAME As Long = &H10L
    	Public Function Open(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal frameRate As UInt32, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) As Bitmap
    		frameRate_ = frameRate
    		width_ = width
    		height_ = height
    		bmp_ = New Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
    		Dim bmpDat As BitmapData = bmp_.LockBits(New Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
    		stride_ = bmpDat.Stride
    		Dim hr As Integer = AVIFileOpen(pfile_, fileName, OF_CREATE Or OF_WRITE Or OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE, 0)
    		If hr <> 0 Then
    			Throw New AviException("error for AVIFileOpen")
    		End If
    		Return bmp_
    	End Function 'Open
    	Public Sub AddFrame()
    		Dim bmpDat As BitmapData = bmp_.LockBits(New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(width_), CInt(height_)), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
    		Dim hr As Integer = AVIStreamWrite(psCompressed_, count_, 1, bmpDat.Scan0, CType(stride_ * height_, Int32), 0, 0, 0)
    		' pointer to data
    		' 16 = AVIIF_KEYFRAMe
    		If hr <> 0 Then
    			Throw New AviException("AVIStreamWrite")
    		End If
    		count_ += 1
    	End Sub 'AddFrame
    	Public Sub Close()
    	End Sub 'Close
    	Private Sub CreateStream()
    		Dim strhdr As New AVISTREAMINFOW
    		strhdr.fccType = fccType_
    		strhdr.fccHandler = fccHandler_
    		strhdr.dwFlags = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.dwCaps = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.wPriority = ToUInt16(0)
    		strhdr.wLanguage = ToUInt16(0)
    		strhdr.dwScale = ToUInt32(1)
    		strhdr.dwRate = frameRate_ ' Frames per Second
    		strhdr.dwStart = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.dwLength = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.dwInitialFrames = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = ToUInt32(height_ * stride_)
    		strhdr.dwQuality = ToUInt32(4294967295)
    		strhdr.dwSampleSize = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.rect_top = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.rect_left = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.rect_bottom = ToUInt32(height_)
    		strhdr.rect_right = ToUInt32(width_)
    		strhdr.dwEditCount = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.dwFormatChangeCount = ToUInt32(0)
    		strhdr.szName0 = ToUInt16(0)
    		strhdr.szName1 = ToUInt16(0)
    		Dim hr As Integer = AVIFileCreateStream(pfile_, ps_, strhdr)
    		If hr <> 0 Then
    			Throw New AviException("AVIFileCreateStream")
    		End If
    	End Sub 'CreateStream
    	Private Sub SetOptions()
    		opts.fccType = ToUInt32(0) 'fccType_;
    		opts.fccHandler = ToUInt32(0) 'fccHandler_;
    		opts.dwKeyFrameEvery = ToUInt32(0)
    		opts.dwQuality = ToUInt32(0) ' 0 .. 10000
    		opts.dwFlags = ToUInt32(0) ' AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES = 4
    		opts.dwBytesPerSecond = ToUInt32(0)
    		opts.lpFormat = New IntPtr(0)
    		opts.cbFormat = ToUInt32(0)
    		opts.lpParms = New IntPtr(0)
    		opts.cbParms = ToUInt32(0)
    		opts.dwInterleaveEvery = ToUInt32(0)
    		Dim x As IntPtr = ps_
    		Dim ptr_ps As IntPtr
    		AVISaveOptions(0, ToUInt32(0), 1, ptr_ps, pp)
    		' TODO: AVISaveOptionsFree(...)
    		Dim hr As Integer = AVIMakeCompressedStream(psCompressed_, ps_, opts, 0)
    		If hr <> 0 Then
    			Throw New AviException("AVIMakeCompressedStream")
    		End If
    		bi.biSize = ToUInt32(40)
    		bi.biWidth = ToDecimal(width_)
    		bi.biHeight = ToDecimal(height_)
    		bi.biPlanes = 1
    		bi.biBitCount = 24
    		bi.biCompression = ToUInt32(0) ' 0 = BI_RGB
    		bi.biSizeImage = ToUInt32(stride_ * height_)
    		bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0
    		bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0
    		bi.biClrUsed = ToUInt32(0)
    		bi.biClrImportant = ToUInt32(0)
    		hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(psCompressed_, 0, bi, 40)
    		If hr <> 0 Then
    			Throw New AviException("AVIStreamSetFormat", hr)
    		End If
    	End Sub 'SetOptions
    	Private Declare Sub AVIFileInit Lib "avifil32.dll" ()
    	Private Declare Sub AVIFileExit Lib "avifil32.dll" ()
    	Private Declare Function AVIFileOpen Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			 (ByRef ptr_pfile As Integer, ByVal fileName As String, _
    			  ByVal flags As Integer, ByRef dummy As Integer) As Integer 'byval
    	Private Declare Function AVIFileOpenW Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			 (ByRef ptr_pfile As Integer, ByVal fileName As String, _
    			  ByVal flags As Integer, ByRef dummy As Integer) As Integer 'byval
    	Private Declare Function AVIFileCreateStream Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			  (ByVal ptr_pfile As Integer, ByRef ptr_ptr_avi As IntPtr, _
    			   ByRef ptr_streaminfo As AVISTREAMINFOW) As Long
    	Private Declare Function AVIMakeCompressedStream Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			   (ByRef ppsCompressed As IntPtr, ByVal aviStream As IntPtr, _
    				ByRef ao As AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS, ByVal dummy As Integer) As Integer
    	Private Declare Function AVIStreamSetFormat Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			   (ByVal aviStream As IntPtr, ByVal lPos As Int32, _
    				ByRef lpFormat As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal cbFormat As Int32) As Integer
    	Private Declare Function AVISaveOptions Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    		  (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal flags As UInt32, _
    		   ByVal nStreams As Integer, _
    		   ByRef ptr_ptr_avi As IntPtr, ByRef ao As AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS) As Integer 'byval
    	Private Declare Function AVIStreamWrite Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    		 (ByVal aviStream As IntPtr, ByVal lStart As Int32, _
    		  ByVal lSamples As Int32, ByVal lpBuffer As IntPtr, _
    		  ByVal cbBuffer As Int32, ByVal dwFlags As Int32, _
    		  ByRef dummy1 As Int32, ByRef dummy2 As Int32) As Integer 'byval
    	Private Declare Function AVIStreamRelease Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			   (ByVal aviStream As IntPtr) As Integer
    	Private Declare Function AVIFileRelease Lib "avifil32.dll" _
    			   (ByVal pfile As Integer) As Integer
    	Private pfile_ As Integer = 0
    	Private ps_ As New IntPtr(0)
    	Private psCompressed_ As New IntPtr(0)
    	Private frameRate_ As UInt32 = ToUInt32(0)
    	Private count_ As Integer = 0
    	Private width_ As Integer = 0
    	Private stride_ As Integer = 0
    	Private height_ As Integer = 0
    	Private fccType_ As UInt32 = ToUInt32(1935960438) ' vids
    	Private fccHandler_ As UInt32 = ToUInt32(808810089) ' IV50
    	'1145656899;  // CVID
    	Private bmp_ As Bitmap
    End Class 'AviWriter
記事No.11957 のレス /過去ログ26より / 関連記事表示

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