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No.86481 の関連記事表示

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■86481  Re[4]: ChartのX軸のタイトル表示
□投稿者/ shu -(2018/02/02(Fri) 16:30:41)
    No86477 (mako さん) に返信
    Public Class Form1
        Private Structure datF
            Dim Jikoku As String      '時刻 (実際は "2018/01/30 16:30:00" などの日付も入った文字列)
            Dim Suu1 As Integer       '数量1
            Dim Suu2 As Integer       '数量2
        End Structure
        Dim Uridat(500) As datF
        Dim datS As Integer            '
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            ' 1分間隔のサンプルデータをを成
            datS = -1
            For i = 10 To 45    ' 8:10〜8:45
                datS = datS + 1
                'Uridat(datS).Jikoku = "8:" & Str(i)  '時刻
                Uridat(datS).Jikoku = $"8:{i:00}"  '時刻
                Uridat(datS).Suu1 = i * 10           '数量1
                Uridat(datS).Suu2 = i * 5            '数量2
            For i = 20 To 55        ' 10:20〜10:55
                datS = datS + 1
                'Uridat(datS).Jikoku = "10:" & Str(i)   '時刻
                Uridat(datS).Jikoku = $"10:{i:00}"   '時刻
                Uridat(datS).Suu1 = i + 100            '数量1
                Uridat(datS).Suu2 = i + 20             '数量2
            '====   Chart1   ====
            Dim ds As New DataSet
            Dim dt As New DataTable
            Dim dtRow As DataRow
            With dt.Columns
                .Add("時刻", GetType(String))
                .Add("数量1", GetType(Integer))
                .Add("数量2", GetType(Integer))
            End With
            For i = 0 To datS
                dtRow = ds.Tables(0).NewRow
                dtRow(0) = Uridat(i).Jikoku    '時刻
                dtRow(1) = Uridat(i).Suu1      '数量1
                dtRow(2) = Uridat(i).Suu2      '数量2
            'Chart に表示するデータソースを設定
            'Dim min As DateTime = Nothing
            'Dim max As DateTime = Nothing
            Dim min = -1
            Dim max = -1
            Dim intr = 30
            Dim tbl = GetChartDs(ds, intr, min, max)
            Chart1.DataSource = tbl.Select("", "x")
            With Chart1.ChartAreas(0)
                With .AxisX
                    '.Minimum = min.ToOADate
                    '.Maximum = max.ToOADate
                    .Minimum = min
                    .Maximum = max
                    '.IntervalType = DataVisualization.Charting.DateTimeIntervalType.Minutes
                    '.Interval = intr
                    .Interval = 5
                    For Each row In tbl.Select("", "時刻")
                        Dim null = row.IsNull("数量1")
                        If null Then Continue For
                        Dim d = row.Field(Of Date)("時刻")
                        Dim x = row.Field(Of Integer)("x")
                        With .CustomLabels.Add(x - 2, x + 2, d.ToString("HH:mm"))
                            .RowIndex = 0
                        End With
                End With
            End With
            Dim ore = Chart1.Series.Add("折れ線")
            With ore
                .ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line
                '.XValueMember = "時刻"
                .XValueMember = "x"
                .YValueMembers = "数量1"
            End With
            Dim bou = Chart1.Series.Add("棒グラフ")
            With bou
                .ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Column
                '.XValueMember = "時刻"
                .XValueMember = "x"
                .YValueMembers = "数量2"
            End With
        End Sub
        'Private Function GetChartDs(Src As DataSet, IntrMin As Integer,
        '                            ByRef Min As DateTime, ByRef Max As DateTime) As DataTable
        Private Function GetChartDs(Src As DataSet, IntrMin As Integer,
                                    ByRef Min As Integer, ByRef Max As Integer) As DataTable
            Dim ret As New DataTable()
            Min = Nothing
            Max = Nothing
            With ret.Columns()
                .Add("x", GetType(Integer))
                .Add("時刻", GetType(DateTime))
                .Add("数量1", GetType(Integer))
                .Add("数量2", GetType(Integer))
            End With
            Dim x = 1
            Min = x
            x = 5
            ret.Rows.Add(x, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value) : x += 5
            Dim isFirst2 = True
            For Each itm In (From r In Src.Tables(0).Select()
                             Let d = Function(s As String) As Date
                                         Dim d2 As Date = Nothing
                                         If Date.TryParseExact(s, {"HH:mm", "HH: mm", "H:m"}, Nothing, Nothing, d2) Then
                                             Return d2
                                             Return CDate(Nothing)
                                         End If
                                     End Function(r.Field(Of String)("時刻"))
                             Let h = d.Hour
                             Order By d
                             Group By h Into rows = Group)
                If Not isFirst2 Then
                    For i = 1 To 2
                        ret.Rows.Add(x, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value) : x += 5
                End If
                isFirst2 = False
                Dim hour = itm.h
                'Dim min2 As Date = Nothing
                Dim isFirst = True
                For Each rowItm In itm.rows
                    Dim row = rowItm.r
                    Dim d = rowItm.d
                    Dim disp = False
                    'If Min = Nothing OrElse d < Min Then Min = d : disp = True
                    'If Max = Nothing OrElse d > Max Then Max = d
                    'If min2 = Nothing OrElse d < min2 Then min2 = d : disp = True
                    If isFirst Then disp = True : isFirst = False
                    If Not disp Then
                        If d.Minute Mod IntrMin = 0 Then
                            disp = True
                        End If
                    End If
                    If disp Then
                        'ret.Rows.Add(d, row("数量1"), row("数量2"))
                        ret.Rows.Add(x, d, row("数量1"), row("数量2"))
                        x += 5
                    End If
            Max = x
            'If Min <> Nothing Then
            '    Min = Min.AddMinutes(-(Min.Minute Mod IntrMin) - IntrMin * 2)
            'End If
            'If Max <> Nothing Then
            '    Max = Max.AddMinutes(-(Max.Minute Mod IntrMin) + IntrMin * 2)
            'End If
            'Dim d1 As Date = Min
            'For Each row In ret.Select("", "時刻")
            '    Dim d2 = row.Field(Of Date)("時刻")
            '    Do While d1 < d2
            '        ret.Rows.Add(d1, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value)
            '        d1 = d1.AddMinutes(IntrMin)
            '    Loop
            '    d1 = d2.AddMinutes(IntrMin)
            Return ret
        End Function
    End Class
記事No.86333 のレス /過去ログ148より / 関連記事表示

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